Registered Contracts

WDC 00075
Descriptive Note

Original signed contracts, including accompanying specifications, plans, correspondence files. Two sequences.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
created by (RiC-R027): Whanganui District Council
Running number, by date
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in Registered Contracts

Displaying 1 - 50 of 328
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
12" trunk main Westmere reservoir to Castlecliff WDC 00075:0:155 1961
15 Municipal Dwellings WDC 00075:0:18 1922
7 Municipal Dwellings WDC 00075:0:24 1924
Aiken Road - tree-felling, clearing and destumping (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:40 1974
Aiken Road Development (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:47 1975
Airport - hard paving WDC 00075:0:146B 1960
Airport - hard paving (also 10 sheets of plans stored separately) WDC 00075:0:146A 1960
Airport terminal building catering and cleaning concession (contract, office file, and correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:152 1983
Alexander Library WDC 00075:0:68 1932
Alexander Library Fittings and Furnishings WDC 00075:0:69 1932
Alexander Library fittings and furniture WDC 00075:0:70 1932
Alterations and improvements to Alexander Library (correspondence file only no contract document) WDC 00075:0:121 1980-1981
Alterations and refurnish Alexander Public Library WDC 00075:0:225 1967
Alterations to Crash-Fire Garage - Airport (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:13 1970
Alterations to gas office (correspondence file only - no contract documents drawn up) WDC 00075:0:19 1972
Alterations to motor vehicle testing station (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:114 1980
Alterations to Town Clerks Office WDC 00075:0:66 1931
Alterations Wanganui City Council Vehicle Testing Station WDC 00075:0:230 1967
Aramoho Camp new amenities block (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:147 1983
Aramoho Cemetery - Amenities Block WDC 00075:0:244 1969
Aramoho Park - Ablution Block (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:3 1970
Aramoho Park Hutments WDC 00075:0:84 1939
Architectural Plans, Correspondence & Contract, Springvale Park Indoor Pool WDC 00075:3:182 1987
Art Gallery - Interior Painting WDC 00075:0:246 1969
Ashphalt Mixing Plant WDC 00075:0:52 1928
Ashphaltic concreting resurfacing of runway taxiway and apron of Wanganui Airport (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:107 1979
Balgownie fencing contract (correspondence file only, no contract document) WDC 00075:0:99 1978-1979
Balgownie Industrial Development Drainage WDC 00075:0:158 1961
Balgownie no 2 - sanitary sewer and outfall (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:38 1974
Basketball Courts Laird Park WDC 00075:0:196 1965
Bastia Hill Water Tower renewal of dome cladding WDC 00075:0:57 1976
Broadhead Avenue Sewer WDC 00075:0:149 1960
Brunswick Road Culvert WDC 00075:0:168 1962
Caretakers Cottage - Victoria Park WDC 00075:0:100 1951
Caretakers Cottage Wanganui East Baths WDC 00075:0:101 1952
Cast-in-situ concrete footpath Anzac Parade-Ikitara Road-Jones St-Tipai Street-Talbot Street WDC 00075:0:166 1961
Cast-in-situ concrete footpaths - Castlecliff and Gonville WDC 00075:0:212 1966
Cast-in-situ concrete footpaths Aramoho, Wanganui East, Durie Hill WDC 00075:0:227 1967
Cast-in-situ concrete footpaths, Castlecliff, Gonville, St Johns Hill WDC 00075:0:228 1967
Castlecliff Footpaths WDC 00075:0:186 1963
Castlecliff high pressure gas line duplication (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:140 1982
Castlecliff Motor Camp amenities building (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:120 1980
Castlecliff Pit - Overburden WDC 00075:0:93 1949
Castlecliff Relief Sewer Stage 1 (Bamber Street to outfall) WDC 00075:0:164 1961
Castlecliff Relief sewer stage 2 and 3 WDC 00075:0:174 1962
Central basement improvements Sarjeant Art Gallery. WDC 00075:0:247 1968
Central City project stage 2: St Hill Street carpark. WDC 00075:0:485 1994
Cherry Grove streetworks construction (contract plus correspondence file) WDC 00075:0:69 1977
Churton Creek Culvert WDC 00075:0:99 1951
Churton Creek Culvert Extension WDC 00075:0:118 1956