Town Planning Correspondence

WDC 00280
Descriptive Note

Unregistered files in good condition relating to town planning issues, including district schemes, general correspondence, legal judgements and appeals. Includes copies of the schemes. The original district scheme became operative October 1969 (first section) and May 1975 (second section). The first review became operative in June 1983.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui County Council [I]
Not registered, arranged largely by subject.
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 39 of 39
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Annual Town Planning Conference WDC 00280:0:2 1970
Application for establishment of tearooms and motorcamp Riverbank Road G.A. Russell and W.A. Percival WDC 00280:0:16 1962-1965
Application for the establishment of tearooms and motorcamp Riverbank Rd. G.A. Russell and W.A. Percival WDC 00280:0:17 1962-1963
Bundle of correspondence and papers relating to various subjects including applications under the Town Planning Act, Library Service, and Football Association WDC 00280:0:21 1923-1973
Correspondence - consent for use of caravan hire, Putiki WDC 00280:0:11 1973
Correspondence to County Clerk WDC 00280:0:8 1969
Correspondence to R.D. Killerby WDC 00280:0:9 1965-1966
Data planning maps. Probably relate to original scheme operative October 1969. WDC 00280:0:39 1969
District planning scheme first review 1979 (original signed copy) operative June 1983 WDC 00280:0:22 1979
District planning scheme first review, incorporating changes, operative June 1983 WDC 00280:0:34 1979
District Scheme WDC 00280:0:7 1968
District scheme review WDC 00280:0:36 1980
Domett Truck and Trailer Co WDC 00280:0:20 1966-1967
Guy T. Curtis re erection of warehouse WDC 00280:0:19 1966
Objections to District Scheme - Ministry of Works WDC 00280:0:28 1967-1968
Objections to District Scheme - Mr & Mrs D Jones WDC 00280:0:31 1967-1968
Objections to District Scheme - Mrs PN Poynter WDC 00280:0:30 1967-1968
Objections to District Scheme - Wanganui City Council WDC 00280:0:27 1967-1968
Objections to District Scheme - Wanganui Harbour Board WDC 00280:0:29 1967-1968
Objections to stage 1 District Scheme WDC 00280:0:26 1967-1968
Planning stage 1 review WDC 00280:0:35 1976-1980
Ronaki v Whangaroa County - judgement WDC 00280:0:10 1970-1972
Scheme statement and code of ordinances (first section) operative 1 October 1969 (signed copy). Has later figures than 280:5 WDC 00280:0:37 1969
Scheme Statement and Code of Ordinances (first section) operative October 1969. See also 280:37 WDC 00280:0:5 1958-1978
Scheme statement and code of ordinances (second section) operative 1 May 1975. Has late figures than 280:33 plus some additional information. WDC 00280:0:38 1975
Scheme statement and code of ordinances (second section) operative May 1975. See also 280:38 WDC 00280:0:33 1973
Scheme statement and code of ordinances - general working papers and correspondence, mainly relating to compiling of the scheme WDC 00280:0:23 1959-1964
Specified departure Aitchison Industries Ltd WDC 00280:0:18 1972-1973
Town and Country Planning Committee Planning Appeal A. Griffiths WDC 00280:0:13 1962
Town and Country Planning Committee report re application from Poultry Abattoir Ltd. WDC 00280:0:12 1965-1971
Town and Country Planning correspondence WDC 00280:0:14 1959-1964
Town and Country Planning Cronin Motors Ltd re Petrol Service Station WDC 00280:0:15 1964
Town and Country Planning explanatory plan, notes and correspondence WDC 00280:0:6
Town planning (loose papers) - general papers incl. objections and appeals WDC 00280:0:25 1966-1982
Town planning - general papers and correspondence, largely with Ministry of Works WDC 00280:0:24 1964-1967
Town Planning correspondence WDC 00280:0:3 1961-1974
Town Planning correspondence WDC 00280:0:4 1955-1961
Transcript of evidence Town and Country Planning hearing objections to District Scheme 24 April 1968 (audio tape) WDC 00280:0:32 1968
Wanganui City Scheme changes WDC 00280:0:1 1971-1972