Town Planning Registered Plans

WDC 00316
Descriptive Note

Transparencies created for town planning purposes. Plans relate to management and use of land: block plans, specified departure applications, lease and sale, subdivision, parking, site plans, etc. Many of these plan numbers have also been incorporated into the WDC engineering plan system, but were apparently held and used separately while active, so have been kept separate as archives.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
created by (RiC-R027): Whanganui District Council
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1988
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
1 Wakefield Street land occupied by council (A4) WDC 00316:0:6115 1983
10 Dublin Street street widening (A4) WDC 00316:0:4923 1979
10 Dublin Street TAB specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4934 1980
10 Pin Bowling Complex Purnell Street Willman (A3) WDC 00316:0:6611 1987
102 Surrey Road Mr & Mrs K G Morgan specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6093 1982
11 Gonville Avenue K G & R E Oliver specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6087 1982
126 Duncan Street B E & T Gullery specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6102 1982
128 Duncan Street R F & R H Rutland specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6133 1983
128 Ridgway Street to NZIG conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6034 1982
14 Churton Street Taxi Society conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4950 1980
14 Rangiora Street Georges Holdings Ltd specified departure application (A4). WDC 00316:0:6044 1982
14 Rotherman Street proposed zone change from R3 to RP (A4) WDC 00316:0:6084 1982
14 Trafalgar Place R & N Palmer building & access to St Hill Street (A4) WDC 00316:0:6063 1982
140 Anzac Parade Acacia Park Motels conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4957 1980
142 Glasgow Street P D Taylor specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6047 1982
15 Lowther Street to 42 London Street Yardmaster NZ Ltd conditional use app lication (A4) WDC 00316:0:6049 1982
150 - 152 Mount View Road Mr A C Corfe licence to occupy road reservs (A4) WDC 00316:0:6070 1982
151 Guyton Street Newton King Ltd Conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6131 1983
151 London Street J C L Higgs specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6135 1983
157 Somme Parade Mrs B Horo road widening (A4) WDC 00316:0:4764 1977
16 Abbot Street Wanganui City Council specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4801 1978
165 Somme Parade proposed land exchange with Hylton Hall (A4) WDC 00316:0:6086 1982
171 - 177 Guyton Street Amdram specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4799 1978
1982 suburban shoppers survey interviewee addresses by centre (A1) WDC 00316:0:6053 1982
2 Bell Street A M Oliver conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4903 1979
2 Plymouth Street ( Somme Niblett ) Riverside Tavern specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4850 1978
2 Webb Road Mr A Smailles (A2) WDC 00316:0:4979 1980
20 Somme Parade proposed modulock granny show flat (A4) WDC 00316:0:6052 1982
200 Wicksteed Street Zimbabwe Trust conditional use application ( locality plan ) (A4) WDC 00316:0:6177 1983
20a Virginia Road F L Ireland conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4877 1979
210 Somme Parade Mrs N J Morgan land for widening (A4) WDC 00316:0:6188 1983
22 & 24 Bell Street Ballins Industries Ltd conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6078 1982
22 Tawa street Mr F W Roebuck specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6121 1983
24 Guyton Street proposed zone change from R3 to C5 (A4) WDC 00316:0:6082 1982
24 Tinirau Street proposed zone change from R3 to C5 (A4) WDC 00316:0:6083 1982
25 26 & 30 Anzac Parade proposed zone change from RIRB & C7 to HP (A4) WDC 00316:0:6080 1982
25 Hatrick Street Marist Rugby Football Club Inc conditional use applicatio n (A4) WDC 00316:0:6094 1982
25 St Hill Street plan of stormwater drain (A4) WDC 00316:0:6028 1981
250 Victoria Avenue N W C & J L Hutchinson specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6146 1983
255 Victoria Avenue B Dickson & B Lonergan conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6134 1983
257 Victoria Avenue A J Faulkner conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6145 1983
26 Barrack Street land required for street widening (A4) WDC 00316:0:6090 1982
26 Harrison Street Dr DTS Grace conditional use application (locality plan) (A4) WDC 00316:0:6175/1 1983
26 Harrison Street Dr TDS Grace conditional use application (parking proposal) (A4) WDC 00316:0:6175/3 1983
26 Harrison Street Dr TDS Grace conditional use application (site plan) (A4) WDC 00316:0:6175/2 1983
26 Liffiton Street Liffiton Castle Ltd conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6064 1982
260 Victoria Avenue R H Richardson specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6110 1983
268 St Hill Street B E Williams conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4880 1979
27 Rangiora Street St Lukes Church specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4980 1980
27 Ridgway Street E D Vipond specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6071 1982