Tramway Plans

WDC 00249
Descriptive Note

Includes drawings of cars and carriages, street plans of tramway routes including site elevations.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
Fairly random, not part of registered system.
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 98
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
25 seater omnibus on Leyland. Body by Crawley Ridley Co Ltd for Leyland Motors Ltd. WDC 00249:0:45
Approval plan Cory-Wright and Salmon for Wanganui Tramways. United States Steel Products Co/Lorain Steel Co, Johnstown, Pa, USA. Shows details of curves at intersections (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:73 1923
Aramoho tramway original drawings - cancelled. FP Talboys (6 sheets, blueprints). WDC 00249:0:80 1911
Auckland Transport Board. Arrangement of wheel brake release assembly on Brush improved truck; laminated release spring for wheel brake; spiral brake shoe for release spring. WDC 00249:0:74 1941
Borough of Wanganui electric tramway Aramoho extension. Steel rails grooved girder type, elevation of joint showing half fishplate, cross section of rail 76 pounds per yard (blueprint, no. 9). WDC 00249:0:83 1914
Borough of Wanganui. Electric tramway extension Aramoho. HH Smith (4 sheets). WDC 00249:0:84 1919
Borough of Wanganui. Electric tramway extension Aramoho. Sketches/amended details, including plan of sheds for Borough houses/cottages, Carlton Avenue (6 sheets, drawn on both sides). WDC 00249:0:82
Borough of Wanganui. Wanganui East electric tramway cross-sections and overhead construction. Muir and Bogle. Similar to sheets 5 and 7 of 249:86 (blueprints, 2 sheets). WDC 00249:0:88
Borough of Wanganui. Wanganui East electric tramway deviation. May be part of 249:87. WDC 00249:0:89 1914
Borough of Wanganui. Wanganui East electric tramway. Muir and Bogle, Civil Engineers (7 sheets). WDC 00249:0:86
Borough of Wanganui. Wanganui East electric tramway. Muir and Bogle. Similar to 249:86 but some sheets have more detail drawn (5 sheets). WDC 00249:0:87
British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co, Manchester. No 114 magnetic brake arrangement for Wanganui (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:60 1916
Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Loughborough. Equal wheel bogie (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:55 1908
Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Loughborough/Hudson Bowring Ltd, Manchester. Patent tramway life guard. WDC 00249:0:59 1911
Brush Electrical Engineering Works, Loughborough. Standard single truck type AA. WDC 00249:0:58 1910
Brush Falcon Works, Loughborough. Equal wheel bogie (made-up, used on Takapuna tram, identified by Colin Perfect, 1999) (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:56 1910
Brush Falcon Works, Loughborough. Maximum traction truck (not used on Wanganui trams, identified by Colin Perfect, 1999) (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:57 1910
Bus shelter Brassey Road (sketch). WDC 00249:0:46 1940
Christchurch Tramway Board. Box baggage compartment car type no 4d (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:78
Christchurch Tramway Board. Double decked car type no 4b (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:77
Christchurch Tramway Board. Double ended combination bogie car (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:79
Christchurch Tramway Board. Double ended combination car type no 4 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:75
Christchurch Tramway Board. Single ended combination bogie car type no 4a (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:76
City of Sheffield. Tramway car and waggon tyres, wear of wheels and tram rails. Drawing no 3 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:66
Drawings, Takapuna Tram WDC 00249:0:51
Edgar Allen and Co, Sheffield. Connected points and crossings (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:67 1909
Electrically driven travelling and slewing loading bridge with man-trolley and automatiic grab. Probably gantry at gasworks, possibly drawn by Tramways but not apparently related to the tram system (identified by Colin Perfect, May 1999). WDC 00249:0:96
Elevation of joint showing half fishplate (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:14
Fishplates on ends of castings to be suitable for standard 76lb rail (sketch). WDC 00249:0:48
General arrangements car and body and underframe, existing cars - drawing no 1 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:42
Hadfields Steel Foundry Co, Sheffield. Gonville and Castlecliff Electric Tramway Board special work - switches, section of rail, detail of holing (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:68 1911
Hadfields Steel Foundry Co, Sheffield. Patent "Hecla" switches of "Era" manganese steel - tongue switches (blueprint, 2 copies). WDC 00249:0:71 1913
Hadfields Steel Foundry Co, Sheffield. Section of rail 7 x 6 1/2, BSS no 3c, "Era" manganese steel rolled check with fastening (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:69 1914
Hadfields Steel Foundry Co, Sheffield. Untitled, shows switches and crossings standard 1 in 6 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:70
Hayes Bros, Sydney. Trail gear (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:61 1917
Munt Cottrell Neilson and Co. Vulcan body transferred to Leyland KP 3 chassis, 25 passenger (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:44
Patent rail inspection box. FP Talboys. WDC 00249:0:16 1915
Plan of Gonville and Castlecliff Tramway District. Copy of 249:90 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:91 1912
Plan of Gonville and Castlecliff Tramway District. MR Creagh, Engineer (2 sheets). WDC 00249:0:90 1912
Plans accompanying draft Order in Council for Wanganui Electric Tramways. F Hubert Chamberlain, Consulting Engineer, also various signatures (14 sheets, sheet 13 = combination car and monogram). WDC 00249:0:1 1906
Steel rails grooved girder type - elevation of joint showing half-fishplate, cross-section of 76 pounds per yard. Copy of part of 249:12 (2 sheets, blueprints). WDC 00249:0:13
Street plan of Wanganui showing railway line. Possibly drawn by Tramways but not apparently related to the tram system. WDC 00249:0:97
Tramway rails - cross sections of 63, 76, 85 and 92 pounds per yard. FP Talboys, Engineer and Manager (2 copies, copy 2 = blueprint). WDC 00249:0:11
Untitled. Shows 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 girder tramrail, BSS no 1 and 1c, 90 and 96 pounds per yard (blueprint, possibly from Walter Scott Ltd, Leeds). WDC 00249:0:65
Untitled. Shows cross section of rail details for 85 and 92 pounds per yard. Copy of part of 249:11 (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:10
Untitled. Shows proposed extension Victoria Avenue-Ridgway-St Hill-Maria Place. WDC 00249:0:20
Untitled. Shows switches and tongue measurments (2 copies, copy 2 = blueprint). WDC 00249:0:8
Untitled. Shows tram car (sketch). WDC 00249:0:50
Untitled. Shows Victoria Ave-Guyton St intersection tramway rearrangements. Probably preliminary drawing for 249:26 (sketch, identified by Colin Perfect, Wgtn, May 1999). WDC 00249:0:49
Walter Scott Ltd, Leeds. 5 x 5 tramrail, 65 and 68 3/4 pounds per yard (blueprint). WDC 00249:0:62 1906