Valuation Maps

WDC 00342
Descriptive Note

Block plans showing valuation assessment areas, used for rating purposes. Item 12880 annotated for Westmere water scheme. In the date range, generally the first date relates when the assessments were completed, and the second date to when the plan was updated. COPYING RESTRICTION – small areas only to be copied for private research. NO COPYING for commercial purposes – refer to Archives NZ.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Waitotara County Council
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui County Council [I]
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
By area number.
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Valuation assessments Aramoho (Kaikokopu Rd to Brunswick Rd) (sheet 2 only) WDC 00342:0:13200 1960-1980
Valuation assessments Aramoho (northern end, Roberts Ave to Madras St) (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13220 1960-1980
Valuation assessments Brunswick-Westmere riding (16 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12880A 1981
Valuation assessments Brunswick-Westmere riding annotated for Westmere water scheme (4 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12880 1959
Valuation assessments Castlecliff Mosston/Bamber/Manuka (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13190 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Central City (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13280 1960-1980
Valuation assessments central city Plymouth/Somme/London/Harrison (1 sheet) WDC 00342:0:13170 1960-1980
Valuation assessments Durie/Bastia Hills and airport (6 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13260 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Gonville/Castlecliff (south from Kings Ave) (sheet 2 only) WDC 00342:0:13120 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Kaitoke riding (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13070 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Kaukatea riding (6 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13010 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Mangamahu riding (6 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12980 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Mangawhero riding (7 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12950 1957-1980
Valuation assessments Morikau riding (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12920 1957-1980
Valuation assessments Otamatea County Town (1 sheet) WDC 00342:0:1289 1965
Valuation assessments Otamatea riding (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12890 1965-1975
Valuation assessments Purua riding (6 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13040 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Putiki riding (1 sheet) WDC 00342:0:13080 1965-1975
Valuation assessments Raorikia riding (9 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12800 1954-1980
Valuation assessments Springvale (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13140 1954-1980
Valuation assessments Springvale Park/racecourse area (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13150 1971-1980
Valuation assessments Springvale/Tawhero/Castlecliff (south from Fox Rd) (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13110 1959-1976
Valuation assessments St Johns Hill and Peat St (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13180 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Tewkesbury (1 sheet) WDC 00342:0:1282 1963
Valuation assessments Upokongaro riding (3 sheets) WDC 00342:0:12990 1957-1959
Valuation assessments Waitotara riding (8 sheets on batten) WDC 00342:0:12820 1959-1980
Valuation assessments Wanganui East Anzac/Jellicoe/Ikitara (2 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13240 1966-1980
Valuation assessments Wanganui East Anzac/Jellicoe/No 3 Line (4 sheets) WDC 00342:0:13230 1959-1980